Bijou Type
Hello, I’m Dan, and Bijou Type is home to a small collection of my thoughtfully crafted type families, informed by a decades-long career in design, technology, and typography. Bijou typefaces grow out of ideas that have simmered for quite a while, fed by my deep fascination with type, lettering, and how each is used.
I welcome any interest in customization or expansion of the Bijou typefaces, as I would like to see people make the most of them.
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Dan Rhatigan
I am a typographer with over three decades of eclectic experience as a typesetter, graphic designer, typeface designer, and educator. After completing the MA in Typeface Design at the University of Reading, I went on to hold senior roles at Monotype, Adobe Fonts, Type Network, and The Type Founders, alongside publishing my own typefaces and collaborations through Bijou Type. Since 2009, I have published Pink Mince, a zine devoted to queer culture and typography, as well as LetraSlut, an online wiki and shop for an ongoing research project. I am a member of the board of directors for the Hamilton Wood Type & Printing Museum.